Saturday 15 November 2014

Don't look back

Its not about who we are, its about who we want to be. No one can tell you that you are doing it wrong or rather no one will bother enough to do so. You know why? Because if you'll not fall, how will others make some space in the room of competition.
Sometimes you have to a make decision, a decision to let go, a decision to move on. Because no matter what happens, your life goes on. It may be hard, you may feel broken at times, you may feel you don't belong to this world. But that's not true, you are a major part of this world. You may not be special to one but you are surely special to someone out there, that someone is worth waiting for.
Never ever sacrifice your self respect for anyone, mind it anyone! No one deserve you more than you deserve yourself. And maintaining that dignity in your own eye is very important. People may call you rude or may be even arrogant but people who really deserve to a part of your show will understand, will stay, will love.. nothing can change them! 

The time you fail is not the end of your story, its just a part of your story. Do whatever you think is correct and is best for you. The only thing you need to care about is when you'll be on your death bed, you don't regret not something. 

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