Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Hearts are often broken... by words left unspoken..

Dark rally, quiet and shattered,
Tears in eye, mouth stapled,
Things happened that no one could believe.
He stood there infront of her,
Quiet, gloomy, disturbed,devastated and broken!
Some thoughts went overboard, some sinked into the hell.
People watched him standing still in the mist of winters.
But words went into darkness, he didn't let them litter!
He wanted to say, he wanted her to stay.
But he didn't, he stood there still, watched her leave.
I thought love was the only thing that mattered
Hope was killed, love was murdered.
My mind had no thoughts but only your face
Both went part ways, with heavy hearts, dying days.
valentines eve, was there alone..
i wished for you but even the last leaf was blown.
And as it is said... came out to be true..
words were not enough, they were few..
"hearts are often broken 
by words left unspoken"

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