Thursday 9 October 2014

Life is serene, Life is thrawn

Life is serene, Life is thrawn
It’s just the way you want it to be drawn
Difficulties are nothing but mere opportunities
Hidden pearls and entities
Believe in yourself
And make best of your life
You have only one, live it with drine.
People will try to pull you down
To make you suffer and break your crown
But remember love, you are great
And you deserve to be at the top
Don’t feel blue, don’t cry, don’t stop
Get up and try harder than before
Jump into the ocean, don’t stand by the shore.
If you think you deserve, you’ll achieve it one day
Don’t let your dreams go away.
Feel the sour, feel the bitter
It will make you better and much quicker
Don’t let others paint your story
Get your brush and be the morning glory.
Life is serene, life is thrawn
It’s just the way you want it to be drawn.

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