Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair.. it gives you something to do but it doesn't take you anywhere.
Life is very simple. We are the ones who make it difficult or complex. Some problems are really there and some we make up by worrying.
Ups and downs are part of life. We can never understand the importance of light if darkness wouldn't be there.
Problems are actually opportunities in disguise. If you can read and understand this article, trust me you are really fortunate because people out there can't even do this and yet they are happy.
See the most famous example Helen Keller.
Problems are inconvenience caused to us. We are so used to luxuries that we have moved away from the real world.
Today, to fulfill man's greedy nature,he do every possible thing he can do and if any natural calamity happens, he blames mother earth. He knows constructing buildings near the rivers will make them prone to floods, still he does that, why? because its profitable.
According to Archimedes principle, all that comes out,goes back but it needs time, provide nature some time to calm down and relax, it will.
We create problems and problems are not meant to scare you off, they are meant to make you stronger than before. Be strong, face them. You have this life, make best out of it. So that when you die, you don't have any regrets.
Don't think you are the only one with problems. Everyone has some kind of problems, some issues. No matter what happens.. you should never feel pity for yourself. You are great. So what if it didn't workout in first place, try harder,it will happen someday.
God didn't promise a problem free life but he promised that it would be worth living.
Life is very simple. We are the ones who make it difficult or complex. Some problems are really there and some we make up by worrying.
Ups and downs are part of life. We can never understand the importance of light if darkness wouldn't be there.
Problems are actually opportunities in disguise. If you can read and understand this article, trust me you are really fortunate because people out there can't even do this and yet they are happy.
See the most famous example Helen Keller.
Problems are inconvenience caused to us. We are so used to luxuries that we have moved away from the real world.
Today, to fulfill man's greedy nature,he do every possible thing he can do and if any natural calamity happens, he blames mother earth. He knows constructing buildings near the rivers will make them prone to floods, still he does that, why? because its profitable.
According to Archimedes principle, all that comes out,goes back but it needs time, provide nature some time to calm down and relax, it will.
We create problems and problems are not meant to scare you off, they are meant to make you stronger than before. Be strong, face them. You have this life, make best out of it. So that when you die, you don't have any regrets.
Don't think you are the only one with problems. Everyone has some kind of problems, some issues. No matter what happens.. you should never feel pity for yourself. You are great. So what if it didn't workout in first place, try harder,it will happen someday.
God didn't promise a problem free life but he promised that it would be worth living.